Thinking of you always, love Brenda xxx
Thinking of you both always x
Thinking of you always x
Thinking of mum and dad x
Mum and Dad, missing you both x
In memory of mum and dad, always missing and thinking of you both x
Love and miss you xxx
In memory of mum, dad and Thomas, love Brenda x
In memory of mum, dad and Thomas, love Brenda
Thinking of my mum & dad at Christmas, love Brenda
In loving memory of my mum & dad, love from Brenda
Thinking of mum and dad at Christmas, love Brenda
To celegrate the wedding of their grand daughter Nicola to Graeme on 20th June. It was the most fantastic weekend and we all know you were both watching over us because you wouldn't miss it......or the party x
Miss and love you both x
In memory of my mum and dad who are sadly missed, love Brenda x
From friends @ Yorkhill Hospital xx
A simple gesture to say thank you to you both, love from the weans and the grandweans x
In memory of Willie and Rose from Cathy x
miss you mum love margaret x
In memory of my mum, love and miss you. Brenda x
In memory of my mum, miss you every day, love Andrea x
In memory of those who have gone, and to help support the staff in the future. Helen Murray x
In memory of my wife Rose, our mum and gran. As time goes by without you and days turn into years they hold a million memories and so many silent tears. Love and miss you x
This is the sponsor money from our wellie walk. Billy, Caroline & Nicola. forever in our thoughts <3
In memory of mum on dad's birthday x
happy birthday Rose x
in memory of my mum x
Miss you lots mum x
In memory of my dear wife, love Willie x
Miss you loads Gran! Merry Christmas lots of love Royal Rose Bracelets xxxxxxxxxxx
Thinking of you always, love Andrea x
In memory of my mum, love Brenda x
In memory of mum x
In memory of mum, love Brenda x
In memory of mum, miss you, love Brenda x
Miss you, love Andrea x
one for every mile! good luck xxxx
Good luck Andrea.x thomas, Angie, Ainsley,Ross and Ollie.xxxx
Now that you are 50 you may have to take it a bit easier. Keep up the good work for the Hospice, we all appreciate it x
Kind donatiion from colleagues & friends @ Yorkhill Hospital Many thanks for your support x
Good Luck!!
Good luck, Karen